Maintaining flexibility is important. Here are some easy to do stretches that can be performed in the office.

-Tilt ear toward shoulder.Neck Stretch.
-Reach up and touch top of head with palm to hold in tilted position.
-Hold 5-10 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
-Reverse side

-Stand at a corner about a foot away from the wall with forearms on opposite sides of the corner.
-One foot should be forward.
-Elbows should be at slightly below shoulder height.
-Keep abdominals tight to avoid arching back.
-Lean gently in towards corner by bending the front knee until a stretch is felt in front of the chest.
-Hold 5-10 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.

-Take a deep breath and reach up over head with both arms.
-Hold 5-10 seconds.
-Exhale and lower slowly.
-Repeat 2-3 times.

-Place arms behind head being careful not to press hand into head.
-Relax shoulders, and squeeze shoulder blades together while keeping shoulders back and down.
-Hold 5-10 seconds.
-Repeat 2-3 times.

-Sit in chair, and if you can, wrap feet around chair legs.
-Reach across body and grab back of chair.
-Pull gently to increase stretch in mid back.
-Hold 5-10 seconds.
-Repeat 5 times.

-Hold hands behind back, and grasp hands together.
-Pull shoulder blades back and down.
-Hold 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

-Hold arm straight at waist height with palm facing away from you and fingers pointing up.
-Hold onto palm of hand and stretch wrist back.
-Do not pull on fingers.
-Make sure the fingers and thumb are kept together.
-Hold 5-10 seconds.
-Repeat 2-3 times.

-Follow the instructions for the Wrist Extended stretch above, but with fingers pointing toward the floor.
-Hold 5-10 seconds.
-Repeat 2-3 times.